Contract Acceptance: 05/08/2021
Buyers Repair Request Due: 05/18/2021
Sellers Response to Repair Request Due
(5 days after buyers response)
Buyers Response to Seller’s Response Due
If the seller agreed to all repair requests, the buyer’s response due 3 days after the seller’s response received.
If the seller DOES NOT agree to all repair requests, the buyer’s response due 5 days after the seller’s response.
Close of Escrow: 05/27/2021
Conduct a market analysis to calculate strategic pricing for your home
Find a buyer to Say Yes to this Address!
Negotiate offer(s) on your home
Earnest money received – escrow has been opened
Prepare to meet contractual timelines
Verify buyers’ financial qualifications
Coordinate buyers home inspection
Evaluate and respond to buyers repair request
Coordinate repairs agreed upon in negotiations
Provide information on comparable homes to Appraiser
Notify you of the results of the appraisal
Verify all contingencies have been met (appraisal, repair request agreed upon, etc)
Make sure you fill out the ‘Information for the Buyers‘ form that provides helpful information about your home to the buyers
Notify you when the home sale has recorded
Congratulate you on the sale of your home – All your hard work has paid off!